Weaving its way around the picturesque Golden Acre park in north Leeds, the community organised trail run takes place on Sunday 18 May 2025 at 9.30am together with a one-mile children’s Fun Run starting at 9.00am – and don’t forget, there’s a running shirt for every 10K runner.
Following the route taken by the late British Paralympic athlete, Gareth Dunn, this year’s Cookridge 10K and Fun Run celebrates six years of this amazing fundraising event with over £60,000 raised for Cancer Research UK and local community causes. The race will, once again, be started by CBeebies and Strictly Come Dancing Star, George Webster.
Enter now and be one of 500 runners of all ages taking part and help us smash the £12,500 raised last year. Cancer Research collection buckets and volunteers will be on hand at the start and finish to help us past this target, and we would also ask you to get sponsored for running, just click here for a sponsor form.
If all our 500 runners could raise just £10 each that would allow us to give Cancer Research UK an extra £5000!!!
We really do need your help so please bring whatever you can and help us beat cancer sooner.

There are two runs – a scenic 10K trail race starting at 9.30am and a one mile Fun Run which starts at 9.00am. Both races start and finish at the Cookridge Village Scout Hall on Pinfold Lane, off Otley Road. Click here for more details of both runs and how to enter.

You don’t have to be a runner to be involved. We are looking for race marshals, car park attendants, first aid assistants and volunteers to manage traffic and water stations – maybe you just want to come along and cheer on the runners. Click here to find out how to help.

As a local, community-based event we could not run these races without sponsorship and support from local businesses.
Their generous financial support covers the costs of running the event, so all other monies raised go directly to charity.
Click here to see and support our sponsors.
All proceeds in aid of Cancer Research UK and local children's charities